Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I think I finished my rss feed assignment and shortly I will attempt the wiki portion. I thought the rss feed was a bit confusing, I do not know if it is just me, but I am never quite sure if I have completed these tasks properly. I need some some of bell to go off if I get it right.
On another note. I woke up this morning with some sort of giant pulsating knot on my cheek bone on the left side of my face. It really hurts. Since I am not too terribly prone to zits or any kind of pulsating face malady, I am leaning towards a spider bite sometime in the middle of the night. Maybe when I was in the middle of my epic of a dream. I am just not sure what it is. Anyway, that is all for now.
Later on Bye.


Stacey Greenwell said...

RSS is one of the more confusing things we'll do. But it sounds like things are going okay (except for that spider bite--maybe you need to get that checked out!)

Becky Ryder said...

I agree with the RSS thing. The tutorial's screen shots did not match the actual layout of the BoingBoing page that we first linked to. I tried to a feed from brother's blog to my Bloglines, but I was not successful. I was successful in feeding Kopana's blog to bloglines. Seems strange since my brother and Ko use the same blogger.

Becky Ryder said...

I'm still working on RSS. I have a lot of catching up to do after that Keeneland gig.